Worship Services; A Musical Standard

July 21st, 2013

Musicians often tend to hold themselves to a lower musical standard when leading worship.

I’m pretty good at drums. I’m to the point where I can fake my way through anything without practicing ahead of time. It’s tempting to use this as an excuse to not put forth the effort to play as well as I possibly can. But I hold myself to the highest standard in every other situation, so shouldn’t I hold myself to an even higher standard when I play for church?

It really doesn’t matter how good we are at what we do. We should perform at the highest level of musicianship possible during church.

But let’s look at this from another perspective. Shouldn’t the congregational singers hold themselves to this standard as well? The church is singing their praises to God. Shouldn’t we sing as well as possible? Worship is not an observation, but an action.

The musical leadership should be great. But so should the following.

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