Orchestral 2048 Infinite? – Kickstarter

August 2nd, 2014

orchestral-2048-infiniteWow! We are totally overwhelmed with the generous support our backers have shown in our Kickstarter. Thank you all so much! Special thanks to our two $80 backers who’s generous contributions have driven this Kickstarter well beyond where we thought it could go.

We have gotten above the $700 stretch goal, which means that Upbeat Bird and Rudiment Rock-It are coming to Android!

Orchestral 2048

We only have 30 or so hours left, but we may as well use them! The third and final stretch goal is to get 2048 Infinite to sound like a full orchestra. Violins, trumpets, bassoons, all of it. Each square will play a different set of instruments with logical orchestrations and top notch synths. If this gets $295 more before it closes tomorrow evening, we will build an orchestral 2048 Infinite.

And it will be free.

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