The First Noel

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To learn how to sing harmony for The First Noel, in the app above click “load piano” and select the song. To hear a part individually, click the S,A,T, and B buttons to eliminate voices.

This is also available as an app for Apple and Android. Make sure your device is not on vibrate!

If you prefer our old learning videos, the images at the bottom of this page will link you to them.

To learn how to sing harmony to The First Noel:

  1. Decide which part best fits your voice. Start by taking a guess: if you're a girl, you'll probably want to sing either the soprano or alto part. If you're a guy you'll probably want to sing either the tenor or bass part. If you're having trouble with one, try a different one. Sing the part you enjoy the most. Some guys may actually want to sing the alto and soprano parts an octave lower.
  2. The-First-Noel-pdf-download
    Download PDF
  3. Listen to your part by eliminating all of the voices except the one you are singing. Learn it really well, so that you can sing your part with any of the verses. If you don't read music, just look at the words, listen to your part, and sing along. Get help from a musical friend if you need it.
  4. Turn the other voices back on. If you can sing your part while hearing the other parts too, you're ready to go sing in church. Belt it out as loud as you can!
  5. Print off the music (click here for a printable PDF) and practice in a group. Find some friends to sing a few other parts and see if you can hold it together a cappella. This will reinforce your ability so that it can be permanent, and will also decrease your need to hear your part in order to sing it.

Downloadsmidi - pdf - Finale (mus)

History of "The First Noel"

Lyrics to "The First Noel"

The first Noel the angel did say
Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay;
In fields where they lay tending their sheep,
On a cold winter’s night that was so deep.


Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel,
Born is the King of Israel.

Then did appear a wondrous star
Shining in the east, beyond them far;
Unto the earth it gave great light,
And so it continued both day and night.


And by the light of that same star
Three Wise Men came from country far;
To seek for a King was their intent,
And to follow the star wherever it went.


Now let us all with one accord
Sing praises to our heavenly Lord;
That hath made Heaven and earth of naught,
And with His blood mankind hath bought.


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